My Blog List

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Never thought I would see this day.

I never thought I would see this day where I start blogging, then again, I never thought would see that day when I got facebook (although, I never did set up my own silly facebook account).

Perhaps, by getting a blog, this very act is a sign of growth and maturity. Perhaps, it means that I am becoming more open-minded and less prejudicial. Or, perhaps, it means I am just letting go of fears. Fear of criticism of my writing style, fear of self-disclosure? (of course, it is good to keep a limit on this when stuff is publicly accessible)

Herein, I dedicate my letting-go-of-fear-of-blogs to my roommate, Hannah. Thank you, roommate, for encouraging me to start this thing.

So, why have I always strongly disliked blogs? This may sound very stereotypical, but it's true -I have a general dislike for all blogs because I seem to often find myself stumbling across a ton of wrong blogs. "Wrong" as in the reason for why they are written. I don't have a problem with blogging as long as it doesn't draw too much attention to the blogger. Personally, the blogs I only really like to see are ones completely dedicated to pointing others to Jesus Christ. Perhaps, "wrong" is not the word I mean. I can see many reasons why an atheist [insert any person non-Christian or Christian who does not blog about God] would want to blog. But, I just can't comprehend why in the world anyone would think that other people are willing to spend precious time pouring over their blog which is solely about their daily, mundane life. I mean how narcissistic can you get? This is not meant to discredit the blogs that get people to think about things in a more philosophical way even if Christ is never mentioned or the blogs that are so creatively fashioned that they are beautiful works of art. Before this blog becomes one of those egotistical blogs I am referring to, I will try to end this blog entry shortly.

This is one of the reasons it is so hard for me to blog. My writing has a tendency to trail on and on and on. I like to think about an issue from so many viewpoints that it is hard to just state my opinion or give a quick answer when there is just so much to think about. For instance, I can practically write a book on my opinion of blogs, but I certainly can't do it here. Right now I am already thinking that maybe starting this blog is a bad idea. I mean this entry is already so long and I feel like I haven't said anything. What makes me think people would want to take their time to read all this?

This brings me to why I am blogging. This is where irony comes in. One of the main reasons I have chosen to adopt this avenue of getting out some of my thoughts is because I am a poor journaler. By blogging, I will be forced to spend more time developing my thoughts and putting them into writing. Another reason I have chosen to start a blog is to keep people updated on my traveling experiences. I will be spending all of next semester in Ireland. I thought a blog is the best possible way to keep everyone who cares updated all at once. I realize this is also more irony because this sounds like the blog's direction is pointing back to me. I am not sure what this blog is exactly going to look like -originally, I thought I might just have it while in Ireland and then delete it afterwards but I am not sure yet. Regardless, I hope this blog, through my travels, will not only help me to see God's truth more clearly everyday, but I hope I can also more clearly share with others any spiritual insight I may experience. And that's my purpose for this make much of Him and little of me.